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Road to recovery
According to the statistics of The Correctional Services Department, the recidivism rate of rehabilitated persons in Hong Kong has been decreasing steadily in recent years. Ms. Cressida LEUNG Wai-ching, Deputy Chief Executive and Mr. Tom TSE Kei-leung, Hong Kong Revival Hub Supervisor of SRACP, were interviewed by “Hong Kong Connection” from Radio Television Hong Kong, introducing our rehabilitation services. Ex-offender “Show” shared how to rebuild a drug-free life and reintegrate into the society. 


善導會問卷評估被捕長者情況 近65%有抑鬱傾向
SRACP surveys showed 65% of elderly arrestees have symptoms of depression
Mr. Anthony WONG Lai Yin, Senior Manager of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) was interviewed by RTHK《Millennials》, sharing the special needs of the elderly arrestees and the scope of services and effectiveness of Project HOPE which aimed at identifying, preventing and reducing habitual offending problems of the elderly. We had five suggestions, including specialised service to be regularised, collaborative mechanism to be optimized, special needs of elderly arrestees to be identified, online/offline platforms to be created and volunteer service teams to be established.


善導會跟中大緊密合作 助超過六成個案根治丙型肝炎
Collaborating closely with CUHK Over 60% cases were cleared all viruses of Hepatitis C
Mr. Felix WONG, Supervisor of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) was interviewed by Hong Kong Open TV 《City Focus》, introducing the cooperation with Centre for Liver Health, CUHK and Prince of Wales Hospital to provide Voluntary Counselling Test for high-risk groups and escort service. He shared that around 50 cases accepted Hepatitis C medical treatment at The CUHK and over 60% were cleared all viruses of Hepatitis C.   


家長擔心疫情影響兒童遊戲質素 荃灣青商盼兒童遊戲權利繼續得到各界關注
Parents are concerned about the quality of playtime among children during the pandemic JCI Tsuen Wan hopes that the society can continuously raise awareness of children’s play right
Junior Chamber International Tsuen Wan (JCI Tsuen Wan) has engaged in flagship project on Children’s Play Rights, delivering a message that every child has the right to enjoy a play time to play freely. It co-organised with The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) to conduct a survey of "Research on game model and children's development". It aimed at understanding the impact of academy, social and mental health among children when they play games during the pandemic.   


【生命鬥士】患癌切乳房後自覺非正常女人 港婦跨越恐懼學頌鉢助癌友紓壓
【Life Fighter】They survive from breast cancer and learn singing bowl therapy to overcome fears and helps fellow breast cancer patients to relieve stress
Ceci (right) and Ivy (left), who are friends and breast cancer survivors, applied for ‘The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund’ through BEHub from The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong. They established a breast cancer supporting organisation, called ‘Hug Yourself’, which aims to enhance the self-confidence and self-esteem of breast cancer patients by providing them with wellness workshops, including positive yoga, mindfulness, singing bowl healing and sharing by fellow breast cancer patients, etc.   


Abandon universal screening! The micro-elimination approach to eliminating Hepatitis C is more effective
In recent years, Hong Kong has begun to adopt ‘micro-elimination’ to cure Hepatitis C among high-risk groups. With the support of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, Centre for Liver Health, CUHK, provides health education, Hepatitis C screening and treatment to people, who have been injecting drugs with syringes in the New Territories East, by using a caring model ‘Social Welfare and Medical treatment all in one’. Our social workers provided emotional support and escorted outpatients to visit a clinic or hospital. The project successfully invited 31 people in the district, who took methadone and were diagnosed with Hepatitis C, accepting Hepatitis C medical treatment at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Finally, all viruses of Hepatitis C were cleared among all of them.


Transitional Housing Project at Shuen Wan, off Ting Kok Road, Tai Po (Former Shuen Wan Eu Tong Sen School)
Mr. Alex LAU Jun-yan Senior Manager (PSD) of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong was interviewed by RTHK《Millennials》, sharing one of our recent Transitional Housing Project in Tai Po (Former Shuen Wan Eu Tong Sen School), which was estimated to construct four-storey domestic block, called “Good House”. Alex also mentioned our target services users, building concepts, scope of services in the period of accommodation, etc. Residents are encouraged to participate in community inclusion and volunteering activities to serve the others with an aim to help them integrate into the community and establish a social support network.    


【社會事件出獄年輕人】求職讀書一波三折 社工、有心人助尋出路 期望有更多僱主願意給予他
【Young arrestees in social incidents released from prison】Social workers and caring people help them to find a way out
Mr. Sam TO Kwok-sum, Senior Manager (ISEO II) and Ms. Candice LEE Yuk-ching, Clinical Supervisor (Kowloon West – Integrated Service Centre for Social Rehabilitation & Community Support) of SRACP, were interviewed by Ming Pao Weekly respectively, sharing services for arrestees of social incidents, for example providing immediate emotional support and counselling, assisting them to resolve welfare problems throughout prosecution processes, and providing career planning for the youth released from prison. We hope more employers consider collaborating with us to give these young people a chance to re-integrate into the society.   


“Good House”, a Transitional Housing Project in Tai Po (Former Shuen Wan Eu Tong Sen School) , providing 276 units
A Transitional Housing Project which was called “Good House” at the former Shuen Wan Eu Tong Sen School by The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong was approved. With total funding of $154.965 million, it was subsidised by the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non- government Organisations. This newly-built project is estimated to construct four-storey domestic blocks, and is expected to provide 276 units with approximately 608 residents. The estimated date of completion is Q1 2024.  

