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《施語達人》第二集: 善導會總幹事李淑慧 為何投身社福界?
《Talk with Mr. Sze》Episode Two: Why did Anthea Lee, Chief Executive of SRACP, join social welfare?
Ms. Anthea Lee, Chief Executive of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong was invited going to Metro Broadcast and was interviewed by Mr. Kyran Sze, who is a host of《Talk with Mr. Sze》and Founder and Chairman of KYSS Properties, sharing her experience in social welfare sector and the rehabilitation and mental health services in SRACP. In addition, she appreciated SRACP partners for giving opportunities to develop different specialised projects, with an aim to provide more quality services for the underprivileged in the community.  


銅鑼灣加路連山道、大埔汀角路兩過渡屋獲批 涉款1.6億提供306伙
Two transitional housing projects at Caroline Hill Road and the former Shuen Wan Eu Tong Sen School were approved with total funding of $160 million, expecting to provide 306 units
On 28th June,2022, Transport and Housing Bureau indicated that a meeting of the Assessment Committee for the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisation was convened via video conferencing. The Assessment Committee agreed to subsidise two transitional housing schemes. One of the approved transitional housing developments is the project at the former Shuen Wan Eu Tong Sen School by The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong. With total funding of $154.965 million, the estimated date of completion is Q1 2024. Also, this newly-built project is estimated to construct four-storey domestic blocks, providing 276 units. Each unit will be equipped with a bathroom, toilet and cooking area.


抗疫路上馬會與香港並肩同行 — 應對新挑戰
To face new challenges — Hong Kong Jockey Club walks side by side with Hong Kong in the journey to fight the pandemic
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 to April 2022, Hong Kong Jockey Club has approved over HK$1.8 billion budgets to fight against the epidemic, supporting more than 1,000 charities, organizations and residential services. The total number of beneficiaries has exceeded 3 million. The Deputy Chief Executive (Mental Health & Employment) of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, Laurence Lam Kwok-wai, was interviewed by the media previously, sharing that the frontline service was tense and fortunately Hong Kong Jockey Club became the biggest supporter to the service unit which sent SRACP plenty of anti-epidemic materials.   


Three-generation family
Elderly people work hard for the entire life to raise their children with unconditional love. One of their biggest wishes is seeing the children to get married and start their own family, living happily as a three-generation household. However, when people in different generations come together, their values and living styles may be contradictory.   Ka Yiu, who grew up in a single-parent family, made some bad friends when she was young. She began struggling with drug abuse problem and being prosecuted. Then, she found that the relationship between her mother getting worse. Until Ka Yiu was pregnant again, she was awakening. With the assistance of SRACP and mother’s support, the relationship of Ka Yiu’s family began to change amazingly.   Welcome to read article at the link below:


元朗永安學校等4過渡性房屋項目獲政府資助 可提供逾750單位
Four Transitional Housing Projects included Wing On School were subsidized by the government which could provide over 750 units
The 12th meeting of the Assessment Committee for the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations, chaired by the Under Secretary for Transport and Housing, Dr Raymond So Wai-man, was convened via video conferencing on May 5 and agreed to subsidize four Transitional Housing Projects. With total funding of over HKD$260 million, Transitional Housing Development at Hung Lok Road, Hung Hom, by the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, is expected to provide about 488 units.   Welcome to read articles at the link below:


特首選舉 | 聽李家超勉勵 戒毒母獲新生
Chief Executive Election | Listening to Lee Ka-chiu's encouragement A mother who is an ex-drug abuser regains a new life
Mr. John Lee Ka-chiu, who is the candidate of the sixth-term HKSAR Chief Executive Election , concernes the anti-drug work and the lives of ex-drug abusers. Ms. Anthea LEE Shuk-wai, Chief Executive of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, was interviewed by Hong Kong Wen Wei Po, sharing that when Mr. John Lee served as Secretary for Security in March 2018, he visited Tai Po Revival Hub ( Integrated Service Centre for Social Rehabilitation & Community Support) in Tai Po District to understand the demands of rehabilitated people. Also, he encouraged them to integrate into the society and develop positive attitude of life.   Welcome to read articles at the link below:


真誠對待能改變他人一生 香港善導會總幹事李淑慧專訪
Being honest can change someone's life A feature story of Ms. Anthea Lee, Chief Executive of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong
Previously, Ms. Anthea Lee, Chief Executive of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong was interviewed by JCI City, sharing her experience in social welfare sector, the concept of youth empowerment, organizational transformation, and peer relationship. She hopes to deliver messages of treating others with sincerity and illuminating the life of others.   Welcome to read article at the link below:


STEM 編程教學助低收入家庭 學員晉身國際大賽決賽成績斐然
STEM coding classes help students from low-income families who enter the final of international competition with outstanding results
STEM classes have become a new trend in recent years. Students can acquire the necessary knowledge in the digital age and improve their critical thinking and problem solving skills. However, it’s quite difficult for the underprivileged families. The Rotary Club of Central Harbourfront and The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong have jointly arranged STEM classes for these people in need, so that they can learn practical knowledge.   Welcome to read article at the link below:


NWS Holdings Limited donated 20,000 sets of RAT through NWS Holdings Charities Foundation Limited to 7 non-profit organizations
The COVID-19 epidemic situation in Hong Kong remains volatile, anti-epidemic items such as rapid antigen test (RAT) kits were in acute shortage. NWS Holdings Limited (0659.HK) donated 20,000 sets of RAT through NWS Holdings Charities Foundation Limited to 7 non-profit organizations, including the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong to fight the epidemic together.   Welcome to read articles at the link below:

