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善導。青少年 之 《阿天的歧遇》阿天善導。青少年 之 《好姊妹遇上好老闆》Cherrie
SRACP.Youth.Life of TinSRACP.Youth.A good sister meets a good boss
Mr. Joseph W.Y. TSE, SC, Deputy Chairperson of SRACP Executive Committee and Ms. CHAN Wing Chi, Supervisor of Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Service of SRACP, were interviewed by HOY TV ”Wish” along with two service users, including Tin who is an ex-offender, and Cherrie who is an instructor of SRACP and one of the youth entrepreneurs who had been funded. With the assistance of the Employment Development Service, Tin met his caring employer, Fan. He received an opportunity to develop talent and career that completely changed his life. Also, Cherrie makes her dream to open a beauty salon come true with the support of the "Youth Development Fund".


【Stephen 出更】善導會其實係乜嘢機構?佢哋究竟做啲乜嘅呢?
【stephenchannel】 What is The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP)? What does this Society do?
Ms. Anthea LEE Shuk-wai, Chief Executive of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) was interviewed by Stephen CHAN which have been broadcasted on “stephenchannel” in three episodes respectively. The programmes shared the characteristic services of SRACP, including Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Service, Mental Health Service, Employment Development Service and Social Enterprise, Ethnic Minority and Health Education Service, as well as its development, Vision, difficulties encountered, fundraising issue, etc. 


Rejoice Place
Ms. Priscilla KO Wai-kam Senior Manager (Mental Health Service II) of SRACP, Ms. Karen CHONG Ka-lai from Vitality Place and Ms. Lin, who is a service user, were interviewed by RTHK《Healthpedia》, introducing how the "Rejoice Place" project support the families of persons in recovery, and teach the service users how to accept different emotions by reading “What Children Say - Emotional learning story book”. 


善導。更生人士 之 《人在旅途跑步時》
SRACP.Ex-offender.A man is running on trip
The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung, Chairperson of Executive Committee, Mr. Tom TSE Kei-leung, Hong Kong Revival Hub Supervisor of SRACP, and Jeff, who is an ex-offender, were interviewed by HOY TV《Wish》. Jeff shared how to re-integrate into the society and rebuild an independent live with our Integrated rehabilitation and community support services and social workers’ company. 


Conversation with Ms. Cressida LEUNG Wai-ching, Deputy Chief Executive of SRACP: Giving assistance to young discharged prisoners
Ms. Cressida LEUNG Wai-ching, Deputy Chief Executive of SRACP, was interviewed by Phoenix TV 《News Decoder》, introducing our services to provide timely emotional support, counselling and other helps to arrestees and their families who involved in social incidents. She also shared how our service reconnects them into the society. 


善導。更生人士 之【迷途媽媽】
SRACP.Ex-offender.A Mother who gets lost
The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung, Chairperson of Executive Committee, Ms. Kimmy CHIU Sze-man, Project-in-charge of Blue Bus Service Project and Mr. Marvin who is a volunteer were interviewed by Hong Kong Cable Television《Wish》with an ex-offender, Ms. Sin and her son. Sin shared her personal experience and introduced our all-rounded supporting service towards the children and youth, whose parents are arrested, incarcerated or ex-offenders, also their caregivers in Hong Kong, in order to resolve or overcome the challenges from family and development stages, also facilitate the positive family relationship.   


Explore every treasure in the society
Ms. Anthea Lee, Chief Executive of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) wrote a weekly column at the JobMarket, introducing our youth nurturing and entrepreneurial services, such as the "Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme", which is dedicated to inspiring the entrepreneurial spirit of disadvantaged youth and enhancing their Self-esteem. She also shared that a young service user gave up his dreams because of the criminal record. After that, he equipped himself by joining "Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme", and successfully applied for an entrepreneurship funding to start his sport education career; she also shared that a young service user Mandy, went astray because of lacking of parental control and poor familt relationship. However, with the assistance of the Scheme, her dream of making scented candles finally could be realised.   


丙型肝炎|篩查治療一條龍 助除丙肝
Hepatitis C|One-stop service of screening and treatment to eliminate the virus
With the support of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, Centre for Liver Health, CUHK, created “Social Welfare and Medical Treatment All In One” for methadone users, providing one-stop service of screening and treatment. 31 patients were successfully cleared all viruses of Hepatitis C in 9 months.   


曾涉社會事件年輕人服刑後被踢出大學感失望 再戰DSE升讀另一所大學 盼社會接納更生者
A young social incident ex-offender, who was kicked out of school with disappointment after discharge, successfully enters another university by retaking HKDSE, hoping that the society can accept rehabilitated persons
Mr. M (Pseudonym) was detained because of the social incident in 2019. After discharge, he was expelled from University on the grounds of affecting the school's reputation. With an invitation by The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, Professor YIP Siu Fai, Paul, Director of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, The University of Hong Kong, provided working opportunities to Mr. M in the centre, which were responsible for transcribing interview recordings and assisting in the research. Finally, Mr. M successfully entered another university by retaking HKDSE. He hoped that the society can accept rehabilitated persons and give them chances to be reborn.   

