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"Buddies' Hub" - Peer-in-a-Team Support Service on Hidden Drug Users

"Buddies" is a territory-wide project supported by the Beat Drugs Fund covering the period from May 2022 to April 2025. A series of participative and transformative activities and training are provided for ex-drug and active drug users.


Peer supporters provide outreach services by identifying hidden drug users and enhancing their motivation for drug rehabilitation. The project will also nurture peer supporters and their family members/significant others in forming Territory-wide Pilot Peer-in-a-Team to enhance drug user identity transformation. A Resource Hub which consists of drug user volunteers, rehabilitees, peer supporters, family members or significant others through community education shall be established. The project will facilitate the community's acceptance of drug withdrawal services and the rehabilitated drug users, so that drug users can become part of the Resource Hub and contribute to society. 

Service Objectives

By nurturing peer supporters and their family members or significant others, Peer-in-a-Team will be formed. By promoting the identity transformation of drug users and mobilizing important community members through community education, a Resource Hub, which consists of drug user volunteers, rehabilitated persons, peer supporters, family members and significant others, will then be established. Peer-in-a-Team and Resource Hub members work together to provide outreach services, identity transformation services, community education, and become mentors to drug users in the process of identity transformation. Buddies aim to "mobilize social resources and assist drug users in transforming their identities to become members of the Resource Hub, reduce drug use and contribute to society together."

Service users

  1. Ex-drug users
  2. Active drug users

Scope of service

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Stage 1 – Identity transformation services: drug users transform into service providers
Stage 1 services include: outreach services, mentorship groups and volunteer training. The purpose is to identify hidden and resistant drug users, hence increasing their motivation to quit drugs. 

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Stage 2 – Establish Peer-in-a-Team: Drug users and family members co-construct home
Stage 2 services include: Peer-in-a-Team (peer supporters + family members/significant others) led activities and community services. The purpose is to promote quality time between ex-drug users and their families.

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Stage 3 – Establish a Resource Hub: drug users and community members cooperate in giving back to the society
Social connection is a key to drug users' reintegration into the community. Stage 3 services include: community sharing and volunteering services, in which the purpose is to assist drug users in reintegrating into society and enhancing community acceptance of the rehabilitated.

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Service fee

Free of charge

Service Hours

Mon to Friday 



Saturday 9:00am–12:00pm
Sundays and Public Holidays Closed

Service Application

  1. Referral from social workers or any concerned persons
  2. Self-approach

Service Withdrawal

Service can be terminated upon the worker's professional judgment and mutual agreement made with the service users. Service users may terminate service voluntarily at any juncture of the service process.

Enquiries and Contact
