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Break through the traditional service framework


In order to encourage disadvantaged youths to connect with the community and expand their horizons, SRACP launched the “YouChallenge” mobile app which is a brand-new service model in social welfare sector, supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Through the mobile app, we can actively connect with disadvantaged youths, encourage them to accomplish different tasks in real life, and by earning points challengers are able to redeem desirable rewards and opportunities to excel themselves and develop positive attitude gradually.


“Hong Kong Economic Times " interviewed two challengers, rehabilitator Kim and disadvantaged youth Tze Ho, together with Ms. Gigi Chan, the project supervisor and Mr. Edison Lau, Research & Development supervisor. During the interview, our colleagues shared how to make good use of technology to connect with youths and assist them in establishing life goal, as well as developing a career based on their interests.

To learn more about the story, please click below link (Chinese version only):


【App X 社工輔導】善導會「YouChallenge」App任務獎賞 助弱勢青年發掘技能創業 App任務獎賞 弱勢青年挑戰「你想」
