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“So Uk 2.0” – A Comfortable and Meaningful Home


The 4th So Uk of SRACP was officially launched in February this year which is located at Staunton Street, Sheung Wan. The project aims to promote multi-generational co-living environment and the spirit of mutual help at neighbourhood level in the community. It provides six units with 24 spaces in total, for deprived singletons including ex-offenders, persons in recovery and out-of-home youths from different age groups and background, in which cross generation co-living model is promoted.


Ms. Anthea LEE Shuk Wai, Chief Executive and two tenants Wendy and Uncle Bill were being interviewed by the "HKCSS Channel". In addition to introducing details and concepts of the project, the two tenants also share their daily lives in So Uk 2.0.

Check out this featured video (Chinese version only):

跨代共融 給老中青的「家」 @ 社聯社會房屋共享計劃 – 香港善導會「甦屋2.0」



